What the hell is this??
At least put some effort on your videos!!
Unappealing and pretty short!!!
What the hell is this??
At least put some effort on your videos!!
Unappealing and pretty short!!!
Really Good!!
this is really good and really funny!!
keep up the good work!
you are just not funny!!
this is as bad as bad parodies get!!
the pinnacle of all bad movies if you will.
It was badly animated and the drawings are terrible!!
You should at least use the original song!!
Simply Amazing, you got alot of skill!!!
This is simply amazing!! Really original! I've never seen or heard anything like this!
its completely made of Madness Combat sounds!
There's a simple problem though...
This belongs to the Audio Section, because it isn't really a movie!
Movies ussually contain animation, you should try!
This is the most unexciting "movie" I've ever seen.
This isn't a movie, this is a big sideshow whit crappy artwork.
I think that most of the drawings were crappy and the animations were really bad!
I don't understand the plot, If there is one!
If you are going big in artwork, I suggest that you make them of good quality!!
The vehicles, the robots and the marines were crappy.
For a war movie I suggest you make it more exciting and whit a better music, not a sad music! I don't really see any potential on this series, I don't understand how or why you keep making more!
deserves to be number 1!!
Its one of the best movies ever, If not THE BEST!!
not to shabby but nothing too new
Pretty well animated and the music was a good choice, it was kinda simple but really funny!!!! needs a little improving!!
Viva Mexico!!
Age 31, Male
Joined on 1/30/08